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Server-Only Modules

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Like a good friend, SvelteKit keeps your secrets. When writing your backend and frontend in the same repository, it can be easy to accidentally import sensitive data into your front-end code (environment variables containing API keys, for example). SvelteKit provides a way to prevent this entirely: Server-Only Modules. We export a few of these ourselves: See the private $env modules.

Thankfully, we don't keep all of this to ourselves. You can declare your module as server-only as well by placing it anywhere in project and naming it *.server.js (or ts, etc.) or by placing it somewhere under $lib/server (you can name it anything in this case). Then, no matter how many hops you jump through, importing it into client code...

export const shouldExplode = 'boom';
export { shouldExplode } from '$lib/bad.server.js';
export { shouldExplode } from '$lib/hop-1.js';
export { shouldExplode } from '$lib/hop-2.js';
export { shouldExplode } from '$lib/hop-3.js';
  import { shouldExplode } from '$lib/hop-4.js';


...will generate a helpful error.

[vite-plugin-svelte-kit] Cannot import $lib/bad.server.js into client-side code:
- .svelte-kit/generated/nodes/2.js
  - src/routes/+page.svelte
  - $lib/hop-4.js
    - $lib/hop-3.js
    - $lib/hop-2.js
      - $lib/hop-1.js
      - $lib/bad.server.js

Note: This feature works with simple dynamic imports (eg. await import('$lib/bad.server.js')), but it will not work with complex ones (await import(`$lib/{myVar}`)).

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